Mayor's efforts end bus stop saga - The Worcester Observer

Mayor's efforts end bus stop saga

Worcester Editorial 25th Jun, 2014 Updated: 19th Oct, 2016   0

A LONG-running saga to move a “dangerous” bus stop has finally come to an end thanks to the efforts of the city’s new Mayor.

Coun Alan Amos had been in discussions with highways officers for the past two years about the Tolladine Road bus stop, outside Altafs Balti, after fears were raised by motorists it could lead to a serious accident.

Problems have arisen because of a central refuge situated opposite which means cars often overtake the stationary bus on the other side of the road, on the brow of a hill.

However, it is set to be resolved after Coun Amos, who is also councillor for Warndon, came to an agreement with officers to move the markings down the hill, but the shelter will remain in the same place.

“I have been pressing this matter for some time because I personally think the current arrangement is very dangerous and there’s a very serious accident waiting to happen,” he said.

“It’s very unfortunate to have a bus stop directly opposite a refuge, because cars are actually going on the other side of the road in front of the bollards to get past the bus.

“Although it is illegal, people are doing it and it’s a matter of fact. I have to deal with reality rather than what people should or shouldn’t be doing, it’s very serious and I’ve been pursuing it for some time.”

The central bollards couldn’t be moved from the site due to technical and financial reasons, but the re-location of the bus stop will mean there will now be a gap for cars to safely overtake the bus.

Funding for the move has already been written into this year’s council budget, with work expected to start in September or October by re-arranging the curbing.

“I’ve seen cars go round the bollards and I’ve seen near misses, because it’s a well known problem and I thought well it’s all well saying it’s illegal but there’s no enforcement of it, so I think you need to engineer a solution to the problem,” Coun Amos added.

“It’s frustrating that it’s taken this long but we’ve got it now and that’s the main thing.”

A county council spokesman said: “The stopping point for the bus is going to be moved closer to the junction with Lygon Walk by extending the raised kerbs.

“This will improve traffic flow around the bus and reduce the likelihood of drivers being tempted to overtake on the wrong side of the pedestrian refuge.

“The bus stop markings will be amended to reflect the new position and the bus shelter will remain in its current location.

“Drivers should be reminded to continue to proceed with care when maneuvering around a stationary bus and be aware of other vehicles and pedestrians in the vicinity.”

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