PCC shares disappointment after West Mercia Police rated inadequate  - The Worcester Observer

PCC shares disappointment after West Mercia Police rated inadequate 

Worcester Editorial 24th May, 2024   0

POLICE and crime commissioner John Campion has shared his disappointment after West Mercia Police’s inadequate rating.

Following an inspection in 2023, a report by HMICFRS has graded the Police’s response to serious and organised crime as inadequate.

West Mercia Police have created an improvement plan setting out how it will deliver on the recommendations.

The PCC said: “Organised crime groups operating across West Mercia routinely target the most vulnerable people in our society.

“The impact of this crime is devastating and is felt not only by victims, but also entire communities.

“Whilst the rating is not reflective of the brilliant work officers are doing day-in-day-out pursuing criminals, more needs to be done by building stronger partnerships to prevent serious organised crime from happening in the first place.

“I am clear, the verdict of the HMICFRS report into West Mercia Police’s response to address this crime is deeply disappointing and not what I or the public expect.”

The last inspection was six years ago and since then the PCC has raised the force’s performance in 16 formal assurance and accountability sessions with three chief constables.

The PCC added: “Whilst its clear action needs to be taken to address the concerns raised in the report, the extended period of time it takes to publish the report does mean the situation has moved on and no longer represents where the force is now.

“I welcome the plan set out by the Chief Constable.

“However, I have been very clear that progress to deliver change will be a focus of regular and intense scrutiny, as I expect the force to continue delivering improvements to its response to serious and organised crime.”

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